FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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©Shinra Combat Simulator(Battle Course)

Cloud vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates

This page explained in detail about Shinra combat Simulator "Cloud vs. 3-C SOLDIER Candidates" Battle Guide and Clear Rewards.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.


Rank š5
Cost 500
Reward The Art of Swordplay Vol.XIII(13)


Rounds Opponent Weakness
1st R Unknown Entity Ice
Enhanced Shock Trooper None
2nd R Zenene None
3rd R Sledgeworm Lightning
4th R Armored Shock Trooper Lightning
5th R M.O.T.H. Unit Lightning,Wind

Equipment and Materia Organization

Hardedge HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Time Materia/ATB Stagger Materia/Steadfast BlockMateria/First Strike Materia
ChainBangle Lightning Materia=Elemental Materia/Luck Up Materia/Luck Up Materia
Fury Ring ---

AttachingLightning Materia=Elemental Materia(š2ˆÈã) to the armor side.

Battle Preparation and Battle Guide

Battle reference video

œ Battle Preparation

Attack mainly with Triple Slash.

There are many enemies with lightning attribute attacks and weaknesses.

There are also many enemies that have Stop and Sleep effects, so you'll want to have BindingMateria and Time Materia materia on hand.

œ 1st Round

The Unknown Entity Thundaga can be disabled or absorbed with this formation, so defeat the Enhanced Shock Trooper first.

When ATB builds up, you can stop at the Enhanced Shock Trooper and push it to the ground.

œ 2nd Round

Zenene are easy to understand how they behave before attacking, so you can almost always avoid them once you get used to them.

The gap between attacks is long, so turn to attack as soon as you avoid them.

œ 3rd Round

Protective Boots prevent the Sledgeworm's stop effect attacks. They are recommended as they make it easier to attack.

When you enter the hole, the target is released. I recommend hitting the R3 stick (target) repeatedly to quickly find out where it appears.

If you have enough for one ATB, hit Thunder as soon as the Sledgeworm comes out of the hole to build up your stagger gauge.

œ 4th Round

You can defeat it with a few shots of thundaga.

Stops work on the Armored Shock Trooper, but each time you give it a stop, it also comes with a time resistance.

It is recommended to use it when it is difficult to accumulate the stagger gauge.

Roller Dash can be countered in Punisher Mode. There are many gaps afterwards, so attack them all at once.

œ 5th Round

You can defeat it with a few shots of thundaga.

The M.O.T.H. Unit's spinning attack will be played even if you launch an attack, so be on guard.

When the ATB builds up, focus on Sandaga, and when the spinning attack stops, attack in punisher mode and then attack in Triple Slash at once.