FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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yCh. 14-Resolutions Witnessed EventzHow to appear Barret,Tifa,Aerith

This page explained in detail about Chapter 14-Resolutions Witnessed Event

This event will feature only one of Barret, Tifa, and Aerith, who has a good reputation.

Likeness is determined by the actions of some chapters, but on this page we have summarized the procedure briefly for each character, so please refer to it.

You can efficiently complete the chapter select after clearing.

Conditions for each event

If you want to make a chapter select, change it after finishing the chapter to the end.

œ Barret

1. Ignore all chapter 3 quests.
2. Ignore all chapter 8 quests.
3. At the start of Chapter 10, it's okay to wake up from either side.

œ Tifa

1. Cleared all chapter 3 quests and cleared extra event Alone at Last.
2. Ignore all chapter 8 quests.
3. Raise Tifa first at chapter 10 start.

œ Aerith

1. Ignore all chapter 3 quests
2. Cleared all chapter 8 quests and cleared extra event The Language of Flowers.
3. Raise Aerith first at chapter 10 start.