FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Dance Battle

This page explained in detail about Dance Battle.

The dance event must occur on the Chapter 9 storyline and is a one-time challenge.


œ Press the buttons as directed at the right time.

Press it when the floating sphere overlaps the indicator button that appears.

Depending on the timing of the push and other factors, the following ratings will be given

GREAT I pushed it at the right time.
GOOD Slightly more off-timing than GREAT.
BAD EThe timing was even more off than GOOD.
EI pushed the wrong button.

The Difference Between Practice and Performance

œ Practice

You can try as many times as you like. When you achieve all GREAT on the evaluation (10 times), you will get 26. Let the Battles Begin! -REMAKE-.

œ Performance

This is a one-time challenge. Get a high rating and get Andrea's Earrings.

It doesn't seem to be necessary to achieve all GREAT. The manager was also able to get GREAT 26, GOOD 2 and BAD 0.

Dance Guide: Button Order Reference Video

œ Practice

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Reference Video

œ Performance

EAct One.


EAct two.(After Aeris said, "You're a star!)

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EAct three.(After Aeris said "Keep it up, Cloud! Work it!)

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Reference Video