FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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This page lists the Spells.

Please refer to each link for details.


Name commentary LeaMarndWeapon
Recovery, Release and Prevention
Cure Restore a small amount of HP. Healing Materia
Cura Restore a moderate amount of HP.
Regen Gradually restore HP over time.
Curaga Restore a large amount of HP.
Poisona Remove the poison status effect. Cleansing Materia
Esuna Remove all detrimental status effects.
Resist Prevent detrimental status effects
Raise Revive ally and restore a moderate amount of HP Revival Materia
Arise Revive ally and restore all HP
Attack magic
Fire Deal a small amount of fire damege. Fire Materia
Fira Deal a moderate amount of fire damege.
Firaga Deal a large amount of fire damege.
Blizzard Deal a small amount of Ice damege. Ice Materia
Blizzara Deal a moderate amount of Ice damege.
Blizzaga Deal a large amount of Ice damege.
Thunder Deal a small amount of Lightning damege. Guaranteed to hit. Lightning Materia
Thundara Deal a moderate amount of Lightning damege. Guaranteed to hit.
Thundaga Deal a large amount of Lightning damege. Guaranteed to hit.
Aero Deal a small amount of fire damege and launch enemies toward you. Wind Materia
Aerora Deal a moderate amount of fire damege and launch enemies toward you.
Aeroga Deal a large amount of fire damege and launch enemies toward you.
Bio Poison and deal a small amount of non-elemental damage. Garanteed to hit. Poison Materia
Biora Poison and deal a moderate amount of non-elemental damage. Garanteed to hit.
Bioga Poison and deal a large amount of non-elemental damage. Garanteed to hit.
Support and Obstruction
Barrier Halve physical damage taken. Barrier Materia
Manaward Halve magic damage taken.
Manawall Halve magic and physical damage taken.
Slow Decrease the rate at which the ATB gauge fills. Time Materia
Stop Halt all movement and actions.
Haste Increase the rate at which ATB gauge fills.
Sleep Prevent actions until awoken. Binding Materia
Silence Prevent spellcasting.
Berserk Increase damage dealt and received.
Breach Remove Barrier, Manaward, Reflect, and Shield. Costs 2 ATB. SubversionMateria
Dispel Remove all beneficial status effects Costs 2 ATB