FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Subterranean Menace

This page explained in detail about Quest: Subterranean Menace generation condition, clearing procedure.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.


Period Chapter 14
Place Sector 5 Slums Evergreen Park
Talk to Wymer

Reward Wrecking Ball
Sharpshooter's Companion Vol.X(10)(Hard)

Quest Progression Procedure

œHeading into Collapsed Plate Area from the bottom of the park slide.

œEncount Enemies

EUnderground Test Site

B2: Type-D Specimens - Creche
Varghidpolis~2 Weakness: Ice
Wrath Hound Weakness: Ice

B2: Type-D Specimens - Creche
Mark II Monodrive~2 Weakness: Wind
Sweeper Weakness: Lightning

B2: Type-D Specimens - Creche
Bloodhound~2 Weakness: Ice

B4: Researcher Access
Ringmaw~3 Weakness: Ice

B5: Type-B Specimens - Isolation Zone
098 Type-0 Behemoth Weakness: None

Partial appearance on return«

4: Researcher Access
Ringmaw~3 Weakness: Ice

B2: Type-D Specimens - Creche
Varghidpolis~2 Weakness: Ice
Wrath Hound Weakness: Ice

œB5: Defeat the Type-0 Behemoth in the great room to the southeast.

Type-0 Behemoth Weakness: None

Battle reference video

If you destroy the upper and lower body parts, you can enter a staggered state.

Get the Behemoth Horn