FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Tomboy Bandit

This page explained in detail about Quest: Tomboy Bandit generation condition, clearing procedure.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.


Period Chapter 14
Place Sector 5 Slums Undercity Station
Talk to Johnny.

Reward Corneo Vault KeyAJohnny's Wallet
The Art of Swordplay Vol.XI(11)(Hard)

Quest Progression Procedure

œTalk to Kyrie at the Church

œHead to the underground arena at Wall Market.

œTalk to the gatekeepers and challenge them to a special match.

Defeat Beastmaster and Hellhound

Beastmaster Weakness: Fire
Hellhound Weakness: Ice

Battle reference video

œReport to Kyrie.

A Jonny's Stolen Wallet will occur after this, and simply report to Johnny to clear that one as well.

Here's a summary of how to use the Corneo Vault Key (3 places)

¨Corneo's Secret Stash