FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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©Extra Event list

Waste Recovery

This page explained in detail about Extra Events: conditions for the Waste Recovery to occur, clearing procedure.

If you unlock all the security locks here, you will get the trophy "In Lockstep".


Period Chapter 7
Conditions Mako Reactor 5 Front Gate-Security Ops

Remark Items found in the collection room change according to the parts removed by Air Buster.

M Unit¨Ether~2

2 M Units¨Phoenix Down~2

3 M Units¨Hi-Potion~2

AI Programming Core¨AI Programming Core

Big Bomber¨Big Bomber

Finding Magic Up Materia in the corner of the room

Even‚” Progression Procedure

œTips for successful unlocking.

After Tifa signals, the designated arrow on the panel screen will flash for a moment.

If you operate in the specified direction during this glow, it will succeed.

1 Round «Eͺ
2 Round ͺEͺ
3 Round «Eͺ
4 Round ͺE«

The higher the security level to unlock, the shorter the glowing time.

Get used to the timing from Tifa's signal to the arrow shining and succeed.

œAfter unlocking everything, lower the lever in the next room and the capsule will roll, so collect the items.