FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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©Extra Event list

Inside the Ventilation Fan

This page explained in detail about Extra Events: conditions for the Inside the Ventilation Fan to occur, clearing procedure.


Period Chapter 6
Conditions Sector 4-Plate Interior Plate Upper Level:Plate Ventilation Facilities-Work Platform

It will always occur through the progression of the story.
Remark Clear when you get the desired Chocobo&Moogle Materia.
Hard only

There's a Way of the Fist Vol.VI(6) in a dead end on the other side of the Chocobo&Moogle Materia.

Even‚” Progression Procedure

œLet's proceed with the main storyline for a while after it occurs.

ETurn off the first light at the Plate upper Level Section H-Sun Lamp

ETurn off the second light at the Plate upper Level Section H-Sun Lamp 2.

œThe lift on the west side of Plate Mid-Level; Section H Utility Access will be working, so you can get on it and move on.

œOperating the control unit in Plate Upper Level; Plate Ventilation Facilities - Interior.¨Time limit occurs.

œDefeat the Queen Grashtrike and Sentry Ray~2 in under a minute, then examine the device in the immediate vicinity to unlock it.

œGo ahead and pick up the desired Chocobo&Moogle Materia to clear it.

œ(Hard only)Here's a Way of the Fist Vol.VI(6) at the other end of the hallway.