FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Sector 8

This page explained in detail about Items available in Sector 8 and Enemies that appear.

Period of time

Chapter 2

About Shinra logo Box

The locations of the Shinra Box are marked with on the map image.

If you destroy it, you will get Mako Shard (small recovery of MP), Moogle Medal and some consumption items at a certain rate.

It's the only way to recover MP on the Hard difficulty level. If you remember the location, you canfight to some advantage.

Area of the map

Click or tap to enlarge the image.
Plate Partition-Interior
Business District
Last Train Bound for Sector 7 Undercity

Items obtainable the dungeon

Plate Partition-Interior
Potion×2 Connecting Passageway
Business District
Ether Warehouse Zone
かいふく Station Avenue

Automatically obtained from Jessie.

Ether Station Avenue

Automatically obtained from Jessie.

50Gil Station Avenue
Grenade×3 Station Avenue
Potion×3 Station Alleyway
Yellow flower Loveless Street

Automatically obtained from Aerith.

Hi-Potion Loveless Street
HPアップ Loveless Street
Deadly Dodge Materia Loveless Street
Power Wristguards Loveless Street
Grenade×2 Loveless Street
Iron Bangle Fountain Plazza
Ether Residential Area
Hi-Potion Residential Area
Last Train Bound for Sector 7 Undercity
100Gil Freight Car

Encount Enemies

Plate Partition-Interior
--- ---
Business District
Security Officer Loveless Street
Residential Area
Guard Dog Loveless Street
Residential Area
Grenadier Loveless Street
Residential Area
Riot Trooper Loveless Street
Residential Area
Shock Trooper Loveless Street
Boss:The Huntsman Residential Area
Last Train Bound for Sector 7 Undercity
--- ---