FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Sector 7 Slums

This page explained in detail about Items available in Sector 7 Slums and Enemies that appear.

Period of time

Chapter 3
Chapter 4

About Shinra logo Box

The locations of the Shinra Box are marked with œ on the map image.

If you destroy it, you will get Mako Shard (small recovery of MP), Moogle Medal and some consumption items at a certain rate.

It's the only way to recover MP on the Hard difficulty level. If you remember the location, you canfight to some advantage.

Area of the map

The details of the Sector 7 Slums pillars are summarized here

¨Sector 7 Slums Piller

Click or tap to enlarge the image.
Sector 7 Slums
Scrap Boulevard
Abandoned Factory

Items obtainable the dungeon

Sector 7 Slums(Chapter 3)
3. Tifa's Theme Residential AreaFSEVENTH HEAVEN

Check the Jukebox

500Gil Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Tifa.

200Gil Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Item shop.

200Gil Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Marle.

200Gil Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Weapon shop.

Hi-Potion~2 Residential Area
27. Hip Hop de Chocobo Residential AreaFNortheast

Talk to a Club DJ.

Grenade~3 Residential Area: Through the north tunnel.
Antidote~2 Scrap Boulevard
Ice Materia Scrap Boulevard
Iron Blade Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Weapon shop.

Assess Materia Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Chadley.

Combat Analyzer(Key Items) Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Chadley.(Chapter selection)

Adrenaline~2 Residential AreaF Cats hangout
Antidote~2 Abandoned Factory
Fire Materia Abandoned Factory

Beyond the shutters opened by lowering the southwest lever.

Sedative~2 Abandoned Factory

The northwest lever is lowered and the shutter is opened.

1050Gil Residential Area

You'll get it during the story.

Ifrit Materia Residential Area

Automatically obtained from Jessie.

Watch Security Key Just Flew In from the Graveyard
Sector 7 Slums(Chapter 4: After returning from Sector 7.
Barrier Materia Residential Area

I'm going to Jesse's house to visit Jesse.

500Gil Residential Area

You'll get it in the middle of the story.

Luck Up Materia After the Enigmatic Spectre Event Battle

Residencial Area: Seventh Heaven

Win the number one ranking in darts and get it from Wedge.

Beginner"s Hall-2F
--- ---

Rewards from Katie

Residencial Area: South

Here's a summary of the details
¨Rewards from Katie

Item Shop

Some products will be added after clearing the "Rat Problem".

Residencial Area: Inside the central building

Name Price
1. The Prelude 50
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 300
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Deadly Dodge Materia 600

Item Shop 2

Undercity Station
Name Price
4. Barret's Theme 50
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80

Weapons Store

Residencial Area: Weapons store
Name Price
Iron Bangle 1000
Star Bracelet 1600
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Revival Earrings 500

Junk Shop

Residencial Area: Behind Seventh Heaven
Name Price
Potion 30
Ether 100

Vending Machine

Municipal Storage Area
Name Price
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80

Abandoned Factory: Southwest
Name Price
Potion 50
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80

Encount Enemies

Sector 7 Slums
Gorger Scrap Boulevard
Abandoned Factory
Wererat Scrap Boulevard
Rat Problem
Doomat Rat Problem
Wrath Hound On the Prowl
Lesser Drake Nuisance in the Factory
Cerulean Drake Just Flew In from the Graveyard
Guard Dog Municipal Storage Area(Event battle)
Security Officer
Elite Security Officer
Hoodlum Residential Area(Event Battle)
Sector 7 Slums(Only Chapter 4)
Mysterious Spectre Residential Area(Event Battle)
Enigmatic Spectre
Beginner's Hall - 2F
--- ---
Sector 7 Slums(Only Chapter 13)
Enigmatic Spectre Sector 7 Undercity Station
Mysterious Spectre Sector 7 Undercity Station