FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Midgar Expressway

This page explained in detail about Items available in Midgar Expressway and Enemies that appear.

Period of time

Chapter 18

Area of the map

Click or tap to enlarge the image.
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Items obtainable the dungeon

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Encount Enemies

Whisper Rubrum ???
Whisper Viridi ???
Whisper Croceo ???
Whisper Bahamut ???
Whisper Harbinger ???
Sephiroth ???

Vending Machine

Name Price
End of the Road
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Mega-Potion 700
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Remedy 600
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
Subversion Materia 3000
Time Materia 5000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Cog Bangle 4000
Geometric Bracelet 6400
Supreme Bracer 6400
Rune Armlet 6400
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500