FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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【Best Armors】How best to Armors in Hard

This page explained in detail about Recommended Armors for difficulty.

I have summarized it for Hard, but I can recommend it for other difficulty levels, so please refer to it.

Materia 4 slot Best armor

Chain Bangle

How to obtain→Chain Bangle

The strongest physical defense and magic defense.

The difficulty is that you can only get one, so it is recommended to equip the cloud, which will probably operate a lot.

Force Bracelet

How to obtain→Force Bracelet

The defense is too low, but it is recommended next to the chain bangle in Materia 4 slot.

Materia 3 slot Best armor

Cog Bangle

How to obtain→Cog Bangle

In terms of defense, it has stable physical defense (34) and magic defense (34).

Supleme Bracer

How to obtain→Supreme Bracer

In terms of defense, we specialize in physical defense (62). Magic Defense (16)

This is recommended if you are worried about physical damage.

Rune Armlet

How to obtain→Rune Armlet

From the defense side, it specializes in magic defense (62). Physical Defense (16)

This is recommended if you are worried about damage caused by magic.