FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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This page lists the Abilities.

Command Materia Abilities

The effects of use are summarized on each detailed page.

Name Materia
Chakra Chakra Materia
Assess Assess Materia
Pray Prayer Materia
Steal Steal Materia
Aigid Aura Enemy Skill Materia
Spirit Siphon
Bad Breath
ATB Boost ATB Boost Materia

Cloud Abilities

Name commentary LearndWeapon
Braver Jump into the air and strike your foe with a powerful attack. initial acquisition
Focused Lunge toward an enemy with a piercing strike that hits multiple times. Significantly increases stagger. Buster Sword
Triple Slash Slash three enemies in quick succession, dealing more damage with each blow. Iron Blade
Disorder Deliver a devastating attack and switch modes in one fluid motion. Nail Bat
Infinity's End Wind up and unleash an overhead strike. Increased damege on stagger. Costs 2 ATB. Hardedge
Blade Burst Unleash a wave of non-elemental mako energy at an enemy in front of you with a slash of your sword. Mythril Saber
Counterstance Brace for attacks and retaliate with a powerful slash. Twin Stinger

Cloud Abilities

Name commentary LearndWeapon
Steelskin Temporarily reduce damage taken and how easily you are interrupted. initial acquisition
Focused Shot Consume all ATB charges to unleash a concentrated burst of energy. Significantly increases stagger. Gatling Gun
Lifesaver Take damage intended for other party members. Light MachineGun
Maximum Fury Consume all ATB charges to fire a long stream of bullets at an enemy. Big Bertha
ChargingUppercut Rush toward an enemy and launch them into the air with a furious blow. Increases Charge. Steel Pincers
Smackdown Strike the ground and send nearby enemies flying. Wrecking Ball
Point Blank Consume all ATB charges to deliver a close-range attack and send enemies flying. EKG Cannon

Tifa Abilities

Name commentary LearndWeapon
UnbridledStrength Strengthen basic attacks and unique abilities. initial acquisition
Divekick Leap into the air and unleah a powerful kick. Leather Gloves
Overpower Use in conjunction with basic attacks to more effectively pressure enemies. Metal Knuckles
Focused Strike Evade, then unleash a charging attack. Moderately increases stagger Sonic Strikers
Starshower Unleash a flurry of powerful strikes. Increases strength of next command executed. FeatheredGloves
Chi Trap Create an orb of materialized chi that deals damage on contact. Mythril Claws
True Strike Deliver a tremendous blow at close range. Increased stagger damage bonus. Purple Pain

Aerith Abilities

Name commentary LearndWeapon
Soul Drain Unleash an attack that aborbs MP. Absorbs additional MP from staggered enemies. initial acquisition
Arcane Ward Conjure a ward. Attack spells cast within the ward will automatically be cast twice. Guard Stick
SorcerousStorm Deal magic damage to nearby enemies. Silver Staff
FleetingFamiliar Summon a fairy that attacks your enemies periodically as well as after you use abilities and spells. ArcaneScepter
Ray ofJudgment Fire an energy burst that hits multiple times. Increased stagger damage bonus. Costs 2 ATB. Mythril Rod
LustrousShield Conjure a magical shield that keeps enemies at bay and stops projectiles. Bladed Staff
ATB Ward Conjure a magical ward. Allies who use ATB within it regain partial ATB from your gauge. Costs 2 ATB. ReinforedStaff