FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)

Abzu-1st Round- battle guide(Boss-Hard)

This page explained in detail about Chapter 10: The details of the "Abzu" bosses that appear in the Sewer System, as well as a battle guide.

This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.

Difficulty Hard: Related Links

【Hard】Easy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP
【Best Weapons】The best weapons,way to fight in Hard
【Best Armors】How best to Armors in Hard
【Best Materia】How best to Set Materia in Hard
【Best Accessories】How best to Accessories in Hard
【Best Upgrade Weapons】How best to Upgrade in Hard difficulty


Type Biological
Posision Grounded
Normal Phoenix Down
Way of the Fist Vol.VII(7)(Ch.10:Hard)
Way of the Fist Vol.IX(9)(Ch.14:Hard)
Stealable Turbo Ether
Status Ailments

Immunities Poison/Silence/Slow/Proportional Damage
Absorbed Elements

Equipment and Materia

Mythril Saber Fire Materia=Elemental Materia/Time Materia=Magnify Materia/First StrikeMateria/Steadfast Block Materia
Chain Bangle HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Luck Up Materia/Luck Up Materia
PlatinumEarrings ---
Mythril Claws Fire Materia=Elemental Materia/Time Materia/Healing Materia/Steadfast BlockMateria/ATB Stagger Materia
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/MP Up Materia/MP Up Materia
PlatinumEarrings ---
Mythril Rod Fire Materia/Healing Materia/Time Materia/MP Up Materia/First Strike Materia/Steadfast Block Materia
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Magic Up Materia/Magic Up Materia
PlatinumEarrings ---

Battle guide: How to defeat it.

Battle reference video

Fight immediately in the area where Chapter 10 begins. This Abzu is the only boss in this chapter.

Don't save your MP and attack them all at once.

You can MP recover enough by destroying the Box in the sewers after defeating it.

◆Wouldn't it be easier to destroy the Horns in chapter 14?

If you destroy the horn, you'll start the Abzu-2nd Round- battle guide(Boss-Hard) in Chapter 14 with it destroyed.

The Abzu are relatively easier to fight this time around, so you might want to destroy the horn in this fight.

1st Level (HP Gauge from about 100%)

・Fire magic to attack at once.

First, deploy Aerith' Arcane Ward in the center.

Form Time Materia=Magnify Materia on your other companions and give three of them Haste.

It will further increase your annihilation power.

Now, switch controls from your friends who have accumulated even one ATB gauge, move to the magic circle, and then attack at once with Fila's continuous magic Attack.

・Blackwater Blast

Difficulty Hard can be critically damaged.

Watch out for the huge circular sewerage outlets in the vicinity. It's safer to stay around the center of the area.

After they finish discharging from the sewer, they will charge directly at you.

Keep your control character far away from your friends to reduce damage.

2nd Level (HP Gauge from about 80%)

Basically, the same procedure as the first step is sufficient.