Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)
Eligor battle guide(Boss-Hard)
This page explained in detail about Chapter 1: The details of the "Eligor " bosses that appear in the Train Graveyard , as well as a battle guide.
This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.
The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.
Difficulty Hard: Related Links
Artificial Life
Echo Mist
Way of the Fist Vol.VIII(8) (Hard)
Bladed Staff
Status Ailments
Silence/Sleep/Slow/Proportional Damage
Absorbed Elements
Battle guide: How to defeat it.
Battle reference video
● 1st Level (HP Gauge from about 100%)
・We'll attack at once with Blizzaga.
Deploy Aerith' Arcane Ward at the start -> The three of you can easily enter the second stage by hitting Brizzaga.
Let the holy magic circle unfold where the battle begins.
This position is a convenient development point where you can attack with brizzagas all at once at the start of the third and final stage (more on that later in the third stage).
● 2nd Level (HP Gauge from about 70%)
・Difficulty Hard Reflect (Reflecting Magic)
Eligor's Reflect will be gone over time.
However, any Riflect applied to an ally will remain in a permanent state until Erigol is defeated.
The only way to recover is through
Prayer Materia .
・How to Fight Erigor in the Air
In order to drop Erigor from the air to the ground, you'll need to hit Cloud or Tifa's aerial attacks.
As a precursor to going down to the ground, Erigor (the horse) lets out a high-pitched scream as he hits the air attack.
When Erigor is circling in the air, hit him with an aerial attack from the direction he's coming towards you.
Javelin Bolts can hide in containers to prevent damage, so it is recommended to approach and attack when the spear rain stops.
・How to Fight Erigor on the Ground
Piercing Gaze can also be prevented by hiding in cargo containers.
When the enemy falls to the ground, you have a chance to attack at once.
This is where I recommend attacking at once with a brizzaga.
But let's save the ATB for the third step.
Build up your ATB shortly before the 3rd stage (about 40% HP).
It's best to let Aerith and one other person's gauge all build up.
● 3rd Level (HP Gauge from about 40%)
・Winds of Gehenna at the start.→ Chance to Defeat him with a Brizzaga!
Winds of Gehenna will be sucked in by the wind, but just before it subsides, it will can free to act.
Stand in the Arcane Ward you first deployed here and attack with the Brizzaga.
If you are not standing in the magic circle, switch controls and stand in the magic circle before attacking with the Brizzaga.
・Added targets for left and right wheels, too.
We'll also show you what to do if you can't beat it the way you've been doing it in the past.
The third level wheel doesn't make a motion to be played when you attack, so destroy one of them first.
Even if you just destroy one of the wheels, you can push it into a Staggered state.
It's easier to aim at the inner wheel of the track Erigor is circling, so focus on the inner wheel when he first moves (perhaps the right wheel?).
Once you destroy it and Eligor stops moving, attack it again at once with Brizaga.