Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)
Airbuster battle guide(Boss-Hard) |
This page explained in detail about Chapter 7: The details of the "Airbuster" bosses that appear in the Mako Reactor 5, as well as a battle guide.
This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.
The battle reference video is in the middle of this page. |
Difficulty Hard: Related Links |
Battle guide: How to defeat it. |
Battle reference video
・Recommended parts disposal
The Big Bomber is powerful on difficulty hard. The administrator discarded three Big Bombers and one AI programming core. |
●1st Level (HP Gauge from about 100%)
・Do not go into a staggerd state.
The first level is easier to increase the Stagger gauge if you aim from behind.
However, the second level is tricky because it also fights the separated right and left arms.
Ideally, you should be able to enter a staggerd state immediately upon entering the second stage.
It changes to the second level when you have about 80% HP left.
●2nd Level (HP Gauge from about 80%)
・Right and left arms
In the middle of the second stage, both arms begin to act.
I put Air Buster in a staggerd before I could get him to act.
Then the three of us hit the attacks and techniques at once.
Tifa is True Strike, Cloud is Triple Slash, and Barrett is Maximum Fury.
If you can't change to the third step, attack both arms as a priority.
If you are numbed by the beam, you are in danger if you are within range of a Tankbuster.
It takes the same level of damage as a big bomber.
When it starts to glow purple, run away from the front of the airbuster.
At this point, Barret's long-range attack will do as much damage to the airbuster as possible.
●3rd Level (HP Gauge from about 50%)
・Accumulate ATB gauge withSteadfast Block Materia.
The ATB gauge can be easily increased with
Steadfast Block Materia. Guard the shoulder beam and finger beam to increase the gauge.
・Cancel Tankbuster.
The third level Tankbuster can be cancelled with one or two Thundaga shots.
It's best to hit Barret's attacks when he's far away.
If Cloud or Tifa's ATB gauge is low, I recommend putting them in an operational state and using
Steadfast Block Materia to build up their ATB gauge.
●4th Level (HP Gauge from about 20%)
・Tankbuster cannot be cancelled.
The fourth level doesn't allow me to cancel my buster cannons, they use them twice in a row.
If you are targeted, move farther away from your friends to reduce the damage.
They often come close to you, but they can also take fatal damage, so keep an eye on your remaining HP.