yEarn Exp and APzHow best to farming and grind |
This page explained in detail about recommended level enhancement methods in the early, middle, and final stages. |
After clearing, double the experience value you can get. AP tripled |
After clearing, Chapter Select can easily raise the level and the materia grows.
If you attach the
EXP Up Materia to one person, other mates will be reflected
Connect the
AP Up Materia to the materia you want to earn quickly.
Recommended chapters
We recommend the
Corneo Colosseum in Chapter 14 and the
Shinra Combat Simulator in Chapter 17.
Let's fight with three people and repeat the course that seems to be easy to clear.
The easiest to earn is Corneo Colosseum"
Three-Person Team vs. Shinra Warriors". Most of the enemies are weak points of fire, so you can simply walk around.
It is recommended that Tifa be equipped with special equipment for magic power and ATB gauge & material formation.
Farming and grind before clearing |
Repeat chapters at checkpoints
It is possible to start over from the checkpoint of the chapter from the Menu screen ¨ SYSTEM ¨ CHECKPOINT.
Experience points are still included, so if you get stuck in each chapter, repeat the check points to raise the level.
Recommended chapters
EChapter 4Sector 7: Sector 7-6 Annex
It is easy to earn because you can fight many enemies at a short pace. Once you've entered the Roche's battle, checkpoints and start earning money from the small fish game again.
EChapter 16Sector 0-Shinra Electric Power Company:
63F UpperlevelShinra CombatSimulator
The course Mayor Is Best. It's recommended that both enemies have weaknesses in lightning and can fight at a short pace.
At the nearby item store, you can also prepare equipment and equipment in the final stage.
Equipped with a
Whistlewind Scarf, you can quickly defeat it by fighting with
Magnify Materia
Lightning Materia and
Magic Up Materia~2 and
First Strike Materia.
AP earning before clearing |
Chapter4: Training Area
It is recommended to repeat battles on the training ground.
If you attach a
First Strike Materia and use a Triple Slash, you can immediately wipe out 3 bodies.