FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Sector 0-Shinra Electric Power Company

This page explained in detail about Items available in Sector 0-Shinra Electric Power Company and Enemies that appear.

Period of time

Chapter 16
Chapter 17

About Shinra logo Box

The locations of the Shinra Box are marked with on the map image.

If you destroy it, you will get Mako Shard (small recovery of MP), Moogle Medal and some consumption items at a certain rate.

It's the only way to recover MP on the Hard difficulty level. If you remember the location, you canfight to some advantage.

Area of the map

Click or tap to enlarge the image.
Shinra Building-Perimeter
Underground Parking-B1
3F-Elevater Hall
Evacuation Passage
10F-General Affairs
20F-Research and Development
59F-Skyview Hall
60F-Memorial Museum
61F Visual Entertainment Hall
62F-Lower Level-Corporate Archives
62F-Upper Level-Corporate Archives
63F-Lower Level-Recreational Facility
63F-Upper Level-Recreational Facility
64F-Conference Rooms
64F Ceiling-Air-Conditioning Duct
65F-Hojo's Laboratory:SubLevel
66F-Hojo's Laboratory:Main Level
The Drum-Level 1
The Drum-Level 2
The Drum-Level 3
The Drum-Level 4
The Drum-Level 5
The Drum-Level 6
The Drum-Level 7
The Drum-Level 8
The Drum-Top Floor
69F-Executive Suite
70F-President's Office

Items obtainable the dungeon

Shinra Building-Perimeter
Hi-Potion×2 Exterior Walkway
Turbo Ether Exterior Walkway
Underground Parking-B1
Molotov Cocktail Parking Garage-Section B
Mega-Potion×2 Parking Garage-Section B
Moogle Medal Lobby
2000Gil Lobby
Purple Pain Lobby

Available obtain only when operating Tifa.

A treasure chest that can be opened on the side trip before climbing the first ladder up the car.

Shinra Keycard You can get it in the middle of the story.
--- ---
3F-Elevater Hall
Iron Maiden Exhibition Hall
Evacuation Passage
--- ---
10F-General Affairs
--- ---
20F-Research and Development
--- ---
59F-Skyview Hall
--- ---
60F-Memorial Museum
--- ---
61F Visual Entertainment Hall
--- ---
62F-Lower Level-Corporate Archives
--- ---
62F-Upper Level-Corporate Archives
EKG Cannon Hart's Mindfullness
3000Gil Corporate Archives-Corridor
63F-Lower Level-Recreational Facility
--- ---
63F-Upper Level-Recreational Facility
Shinra ExecutiveKeycard You can get it in the middle of the story.
31. Scarlet's Theme Check the Jukebox
64F-Conference Rooms
Hojo's Research LabKeycard Only Chapter 16

1. There's an event on 64F for a board meeting.
2. Go after Hojo after the event.
3. When Hojo starts talking to himself on the 65th floor (around the area of the universal medicine chest), go back to the 64th floor.
4. Card appears on the northwest floor on 65F.
64F Ceiling-Air-Conditioning Duct
HP Up Materia Ventilation Duct
65F-Hojo's Laboratory:SubLevel
Antidote×2 Laboratory Passage
Celeris×2 Testing Facility
Remedy×2 Testing Facility
Reinfored Staff Specimen Enclosures
Enfeeblement Ring Specimen Enclosures
Phoenix Down Specimen Enclosures
Ether Specimen Enclosures
66F-Hojo's Laboratory:Main Level
--- ---
The Drum-Level 1
Poison Materia Incubation
The Drum-Level 2
Phoenix Down Passage B
The Drum-Level 3
Twin Stinger Passage C
The Drum-Level 4
3000Gil Monitoring Area
Time Materia Central Control Terminal
Ether Passage E
Mega-Potion Passage D
Astral Cuff 2nd Ward-Biological Testing
The Drum-Level 5
Remedy×2 2nd Ward-Control Deck
Chain Bangle 2nd Ward-Control Deck
The Drum-Level 6
Ether Passage F
Mega-Potion 3rd Ward-Nursery
5000Gil 3rd Ward-Nursery
Force Bracelet 3rd Ward-Feed Storage
The Drum-Level 7
Mega-Potion 3rd Ward-Piping System
The Drum-Level 8
Mega-Potion×2 4th Ward-Drain 1
The Drum-Top Floor
--- ---
69F-Executive Suite
--- ---
70F-President's Office
--- ---
58F-Skyview Atrium
--- ---

Encount Enemies

Shinra Building-Perimeter
--- ---
Underground Parking-B1
Elite Security Officer Parking Garage A
Parking Garage B
Elite Grenadier Parking Garage A
Parking Garage B
3-C SOLDIER Operator Parking Garage A
Guard Dog Parking Garage B
Elite Riot Trooper Parking Garage B
--- ---
--- ---
3F-Elevater Hall
--- ---
Evacuation Passage
--- ---
10F-General Affairs
Elite Security Officer Elevater Hall
20F-Research and Development
Elite Security Officer Elevater Hall
59F-Skyview Hall
--- ---
60F-Memorial Museum
--- ---
61F Visual Entertainment Hall
--- ---
62F-Lower Level-Corporate Archives
--- ---
62F-Upper Level-Corporate Archives
--- ---
63F-Lower Level-Recreational Facility
--- ---
63F-Upper Level-Recreational Facility
--- ---
64F-Conference Rooms
--- ---
64F Ceiling-Air-Conditioning Duct
--- ---
65F-Hojo's Laboratory:SubLevel
Specimen H0512 Testing Facility
H0512-OPT Testing Facility
66F-Hojo's Laboratory:Main Level
Elite Security Officer Central Laboratory
Elite Grenadier Central Laboratory
Elite Riot Trooper Central Laboratory
Armored Shock Trooper Central Laboratory
Unknown Entity Central Laboratory
The Drum-Level 1
Monodrive Incubation
Unknown Entity Incubation
The Drum-Level 2
--- ---
The Drum-Level 3
Monodrive 1st Ward-Training Area
Mark II Monodrive 1st Ward-Training Area
Unknown Entity 1st Ward-Training Area
M.O.T.H. Unit 1st Ward-Training Area
The Drum-Level 4
Blast-Ray Passage D
Shock-Ray Passage D
2nd Ward-Robotics Testing
Pssage E
Zenene 2nd Ward-Biological Testing
M.O.T.H. Unit 2nd Ward-Robotics Testing
Sledgeworm 2nd Ward-Prototype Inspection
Slug-Ray Pssage E
The Drum-Level 5
Sentry Launcher Passage E
Enhanced Shock Trooper Passage E
Unknown Entity Passage E
The Drum-Level 6
Unknown Entity 3rd Ward-Bulkhead Passageway
Bloodhound 3rd Ward-Nursery
Zenene 3rd Ward-Nursery
3rd Ward-Feed Storage
Boss:Brain Pod 3rd Ward-Nursery
Sledgeworm Passage G
The Drum-Level 7
Unknown Entity Passage I
The Drum-Level 8
Boss:Swordipede 4th Ward-Synthesis Chamber
The Drum-Top Floor
--- ---
69F-Executive Suite
--- ---
70F-President's Office
Boss:Jenova Dreamweaver Executive Office
Boss:Rufus Heliport
Boss:Darkstar Heliport
58F-Skyview Atrium
Boss:The Arsenal ???

Vending Machine

Name Price
Shinra Building-Perimeter
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Mega-Potion 700
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Remedy 600
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
Subversion Materia 3000
Time Materia 5000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Gothic Bangle 3000
Magician's Bracelet 4800
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800
Sorcerer's Armlet 4800
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500
63F-Upper Level-Recreational Facility
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Mega-Potion 700
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Maiden's Kiss 150
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Remedy 600
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
Subversion Materia 3000
Time Materia 5000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Nail Bat
Mythril Saber
Big Bertha
Wrecking Ball
Sonic Strikers
Feathered Gloves
Arcane Scepter
Mythril Rod
Cog Bangle 4000
Geometric Bracelet 6400
Supreme Bracer 6400
Rune Armlet 6400
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500
65F-Hojo's Laboratory:SubLevel
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Mega-Potion 700
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Remedy 600
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
Subversion Materia 3000
Time Materia 5000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Cog Bangle 4000
Geometric Bracelet 6400
Supreme Bracer 6400
Rune Armlet 6400
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500
66F-Hojo's Laboratory:Main Level
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Mega-Potion 700
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Maiden's Kiss 150
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Remedy 600
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
Subversion Materia 3000
Time Materia 5000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Cog Bangle 4000
Geometric Bracelet 6400
Supreme Bracer 6400
Rune Armlet 6400
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500
・The Drum-Level 2
・The Drum-Level 4
・The Drum-Level 6
・The Drum-Level 8
・70F-President's Office(There are two locations.)
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Mega-Potion 700
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Remedy 600
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
Subversion Materia 3000
Time Materia 5000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Cog Bangle 4000
Geometric Bracelet 6400
Supreme Bracer 6400
Rune Armlet 6400
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500