FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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©Extra Event list

Collapsed Passageway

This page explained in detail about Extra Events: conditions for the Collapsed Passageway to occur, clearing procedure.


Period Chapter 6
Conditions Sector 4-Plate Interior: Plate Lower Level:Section G Utility Access

Collapsed and occurred when trying to cross the narrow path of the scaffold.
Remark Clear when you get the desired Elemental Materia.

Even‚” Progression Procedure

œLet's proceed with the main storyline for a while after it occurs.

ETurn off the first light at the Plate upper Level Section H-Sun Lamp

ETurn off the second light at the Plate upper Level Section H-Sun Lamp 2.

œGet off the ladder at the western end of the Section H-Sun Lamp 3.(There is a treasure chest of Moogle medals nearby)

œFight with 2 Queen Grashtrike when you go down the ladder (Plate Lower Level: section H Utility Access)

œOperate nearby devices after battle

If you lower the lift to the bottom by operating this device, you can also find the independent MPUp Materia that you might have seen on the way (see image).

œOperate the lift so that there is a road

œGo ahead and find the target Elemental Materia and clear it

I think another extra event(Inside the Ventilation Fan) happened along the way.

This can proceed smoothly if you turn off the third light in Section H-Sun Lamp 3.

Please refer to the details here.

¨Inside the Ventilation Fan