FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Kids on Patrol

This page explained in detail about Quest: Kids on Patrol generation condition, clearing procedure.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.


Period Chapter 8
Place Mako Reactor 5 Center District: in front liifhouse.
Ms. Folia
Reward Nail Bat

EA Verified Hero occurrence

After a conversation with Oates at the Children's Secret Hideout, the following elements occur

EThe Angel of the Slums occurrence
Telluric Scriptures Vol.VI(6)(Hard)

Quest Progression Procedure

œFive children looking for (carrying a wooden sword) are in the Center District.

ENorth doorway

EIn front of the item store

EIn front of the Weapon shop

EIn front of the southwest building

ESouthwest back alley tunnel

œReport to Ms. Folia

œDefeat Hedgehog Pie King and Hedge Hog Pie x2 with Undeveloped Land-Toad Marsh.

Battle reference video

œEncount enemies

Undeveloped Land-Spector St.

Hedge Hog Pie Weakness: Ice

2.Undeveloped Land-Spector St.

Hedge Hog Pie~2 Weakness: Ice

3.Undeveloped Land-Toad Marsh

Hedge Hog Pie Weakness: Ice

4.Undeveloped Land-Toad Marsh

Hedge Hog Pie~2 Weakness: Ice

5.Undeveloped Land-Toad Marsh

Hedge Hog Pie~2 Weakness: Ice
Hedgehog Pie King Weakness: Ice

œReport to children