FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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The Party Never Stops

This page explained in detail about Quest: The Party Never Stops generation condition, clearing procedure.


Period Chapter 9(Sam's Request)
Place Sector 6 Slums Wall Market-West Clothing Store (boutique signage)

Talk to Clothing Store owner's Son
Reward Turbo Ether

Quest Progression Procedure

œEnter the Bar just southeast of the Clothing Store.

œTalk to the Clothing Store owner at the end of the table.

œA Conversation with the Materia Vender of the North

œWe're going into an inn in the southeast.

œCheck the vending machine and use the Assess Materia (you can check it three times depending on your materia level).


ECrimson Spike

EThe Souce(And Moogle Medal are available.)

œReport to the owner of the materia store.

œEnter the Restaurant just a short distance from the hotel

œTalk to the Restaurant Owner and decide on a choice (you can check it three times depending on your materia level).

ERemedyAMedicine Voucher

œTalk to Johnny, who has moved in close proximity.

œTalk to the apothecary shop owner and use the Cleansing Materia

EBottle of Antiemetic(The man in the bathroom at the back of the tavern.)¨Sedative

EDeodorizing Tablets(The man at the end of the back alley to the west.)¨Celeris

EPackets of Antacid(The man at the end of the northeast back alley.)¨Big Bomber~3

Unlike the original, it has nothing to do with the branching conditions of transvestites

œTalking to a man who looks out of shape at the end of a back alley in the northeast.

œReport to the drugstore owner

EGet a VIP Card

œReport to the owner of the clothing store at the Bar.

œReport to the clothing store's son at the clothing store.