FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Sector 6 Slums

This page explained in detail about Items available in Sector 6 Slums and Enemies that appear.

Period of time

Chapter 9
Chapter 14

About Shinra logo Box

The locations of the Shinra Box are marked with on the map image.

If you destroy it, you will get Mako Shard (small recovery of MP), Moogle Medal and some consumption items at a certain rate.

It's the only way to recover MP on the Hard difficulty level. If you remember the location, you canfight to some advantage.

Area of the map

Click or tap to enlarge the image.
Sector 7 Slums
Corneo's Colosseum
Corneo's Mansion-2F
Corneo's Mansion-Basement

Items obtainable the dungeon

Wall Market
Elixir Center: at the top of the stairs in the building near Chadley's
Celeris Narrow path to the southeast
Barrier Materia Narrow path at the west end
8. Under the Rotting Pizza Check the jukebox next to the inn.
17. Farm Boy Somewhat northwest of center: talking to a cowgirl
29. The Midgar Blues Talk to the singer in the pub.
Headband Southwest gym bathrooms.
Adrenaline Inside the East Inn
1200Gil Corneo's Mansion: Main Entrance / Bridge
Ether Corneo's Mansion: Main Entrance / narrow path to the east
Sam's Coin You can get it in the middle of the story.
Tournament Entry Form You can get it in the middle of the story.
Star Pendant S6-5 Road
Sam's Requests 【Ch. 9】Requests of Madam M or Sum

Madam M's Requests
Madam M's Endorsement You can get it in the middle of the story.
26. Let the Battles Begin! -REMAKE- Achieve all GREAT in the Dance Battle practice
Andrea's Earrings Achieve high ratings in the Dance Battle production
Andrea's Endorsement You can get it in the middle of the story.
Corneo's Mansion
Molotov Cocktail 2F:Henchmen's Hangout
Fury Ring 1F: Through the gap in the treasure.
Otherworldly Ring Forbidden Room

2F: The red mat in front of the bookcase in the storeroom is the only way in.
Turbo Ether Forbidden Room
7. Turks' Theme S7-6 Road: I'm going to talk to a woman on a lake a little north of Wall Market.
16. Good Night, UntilTomorrow Wall Market Talking to customers at the counter in the inn.
24. Wutai Talk to man in Urban Advancement District.
30. Stand Up Wall Market. Talk to the woman at the end of the narrow alley next to the Honey bee inn.
Sorcerer's Armlet Wall Market
Elixir Wall Market
Assess Materia The voice of Forbidden Room
Grappling Gun Wall Market: You can get it in the middle of the story.
Moogle Medal×3 Urban Advancement District
Elemental Materia 【Divine Gratitude】How to get Letter from the Guardian Angel
Letter from the GuardianAngel

Encount Enemies

Corneo's Mansion
Corneo Lackey 1F

Item Shop

Wall Market
Name Price
10. Honeybee Inn 50
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Chapter 14 added
Mega-Potion 700
Remedy 600

Materia Shop

Wall Market
Name Price
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Chapter 14 added
Subversion Materia 3000

Weapons Store

Wall Market
Name Price
Hardedge 2000
Titanium Bangle 2000
Caliginous Bracelet 3200
Studded Bracer 3200
Mythril Armlet 3200
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500
Chapter 14 added
Nail Bat 2000
Mythril Saber 3000
Sonic Strikers 2000
Arcane Scepter 2000
Mythril Rod 2000
Gothic Bangle 3000
Magician's Bracelet 4800
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800
Sorcerer's Armlet 4800

Souvenir Shop

Corneo's Colosseum
Name Price
Fuzzy Wuzzy 200
Mr.Cuddlesworth 500
Chapter 14 added
12. Fight On! 50

Item Shop(Chapter 13 and 14)

Evergreen Park
Name Price
15. On Our Way 50
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Mega-Potion 700
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Remedy 600

Weapons Store(Chapter 13 and 14)

Evergreen Park
Name Price
Big Bertha 2500
Gothic Bangle 3000
Magician's Bracelet 4800
Heavy-Duty Bracer 4800
Sorcerer's Armlet 4800
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500

Vending Machine

Name Price
Corneo Colosseum
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Titanium Bangle 600
Caliginous Bracelet 3200
Studded Bracer 3200
Mythril Armlet 3200
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500
Corneo's Mansion-Basement
11. Don of the Slums 50
Potion 50
Hi-Potion 300
Ether 500
Phoenix Down 300
Antidote 80
Echo Mist 100
Smelling Salts 80
Healing Materia 600
Cleansing Materia 1500
Revival Materia 3000
Fire Materia 500
Ice Materia 500
Lightning Materia 500
Poison Materia 1500
Barrier Materia 1500
Binding Materia 3000
HP Up Materia 2000
MP Up Materia 2000
Deadly Dodge Materia 600
Titanium Bangle 600
Caliginous Bracelet 3200
Studded Bracer 3200
Mythril Armlet 3200
Power Wristguards 800
Bulletproof Vest 800
Earrings 800
Talisman 800
Supernatural Wristguards 5000
Survival Vest 5000
Platinum Earrings 5000
Timeworn Talisman 5000
Star Pendant 1500
Headband 1500
Revival Earrings 500