FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Chocobo Search

This page explained in detail about Quest: Chocobo Search generation condition, clearing procedure.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.


Period Chapter 14
Place Sector 5 Slums Southeast of Center District
Get closer to the chocobo staff
Reward Sam's Delivery Lifetime Pass
Sharpshooter's Companion Vol.XI(11)(Hard)
Way of the Fist Vol.XI(11)(Hard)

Quest Progression Procedure

œFind 3 chocobos and give them Gysahl Greens

E˜Z”ΤŠXƒXƒ‰ƒ€ Sanctuary Way: To the north (near the church)

Added Sector 5 Church at the destination of chocobo cars.

ESector 6 Slums:Nuts'n' Bolts Hills

Fight with Rust Drake

Rust Drake Weakness: Ice,Wind

Battle reference video

Added Steel Mountain (for boarding only) in front of Sector 5 Undercity Station at the destination of chocobo cars.

ECollapsed Expressway: Southeast

œEncount Enemies

ECollapsed Expressway

Caved -In Tunnel: Left area
Gorger~4 Weakness: Ice

Caved -In Tunnel: Right area
Gorger~4 Weakness: Ice

Machinery Graveyard
Smogger Weakness: Lightning

Old Bypass
Varghidpolis~2 Weakness: Ice

Old Bypass
Varghidpolis~2 Weakness: Ice

Old Bypass
Varghidpolis Weakness: Ice
Terpsicolt Weakness: Ice

Old Bypass
Gorger~2 Weakness: Ice

Old Bypass
Trypapolis~3 Weakness: None

Fight with Trypapolis~3

Battle reference video

Defeating prototype who has split up will do a lot of damage.

Added Sector 6 Slums-Evergreen Park, Wall Market-Urban Advancement District, and Collapsed Road (Bording Only) at chocobo car destinations.

œReport to Sam on the S7-6 Road