FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)

Hell House battle guide(Boss-Hard)

This page explained in detail about Chapter 9: The details of the "Hell House" bosses that appear in the Sector 6 Slums, as well as a battle guide.

This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.

Difficulty Hard: Related Links

【Hard】Easy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP
【Best Weapons】The best weapons,way to fight in Hard
【Best Armors】How best to Armors in Hard
【Best Materia】How best to Set Materia in Hard
【Best Accessories】How best to Accessories in Hard
【Best Upgrade Weapons】How best to Upgrade in Hard difficulty


Type Artificial Life
Posision Grounded
Normal Fuzzy Wuzzy
Telluric Scriptures Vol.IX(9)(Hard)
Rare Mr.Cuddlesworth
Stealable Mr.Cuddlesworth
Status Ailments
Magic(Change with the color of the window)


Immunities Silence/Slow/Proportional Damage
Absorbed Elements

Equipment and Materia

Hardedge Fire Materia/Ice Materia/Time Materia/Healing Materia/First Strike Materia/Steadfast Block Materia
Chain Bangle HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/MP Up Materia/MP Up Materia
Enhanced Ring ---
Mythril Rod Lightning Materia/Wind Materia/Healing Materia=Magnify Materia/First StrikeMateria/Steadfast Block Materia
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/MP Up Materia/MP Up Materia
PlatinumEarrings ---

Battle guide: How to defeat it.

Battle reference video

・Get used to the changing colors of the windows.

Hell House changes the color of its windows after certain actions until the final stage.

Color of window Changing Weaknesses.
Red(Fire Elemental) Ice
White(Ice  Elemental) Fire
Blue(Lightning  Elemental) Wind
Green(Wind  Elemental) Lightning

You should organize your materia so that you can use the magic of these four attributes.

Aerith' Arcane Ward can be deployed in the center of the arena to move into the magic circle at an even distance.

1st Level (HP Gauge from about 100%)

Guard against the Chair Salvo as it flies at the start.

・Tonberry summons

Summon it after the first Chair Salvo is done.Three of them will appear in dense clusters.

Use Punisher Mode to cut them all off or Triple Slash them.

This behavior will be used regularly until the third stage.

・Attribute change when given a weakness

Up to the second level, this changes only by attacking at the weakest point.

Burst gauge is easy to accumulate even with magic without a weak point, not limited to theweakest attribute. Use it aggressively except in invincible mode(God House Mode).

2nd Level (HP Gauge from about 80%)

・Change in attribute change specifications

Unlike the first level, the attributes change depending on the actions of the Hell House.

・God House Mode

It deploys a physical and magic resistant barrier. The damage is a little bit in, so attack if you are short of your ATB gauge.

The attribute window changes along the way, so take advantage of this window and aim for the weak points!

3rd Level (HP Gauge from about 30%)

・Heavensward at the start.→Staggered Chance!

This is your chance to staggered and defeat it.

If you can defeat them at this time, you can win the game without letting the sweeper and cutter appear as well.

This move will fly around in the air and do a Chair Salvo.

Finally, it spins in the air and the attribute window changes. Aim for the weak point at this time.

Hell House will crash-land and become Pressured state.

If you don't hit it, it will charge directly from the air, so be careful.

Once you're in a Pressured state, use a Focsed Thrust or magic attack to immediately burst and deal damage all at once.