FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)

Specimen H0512 battle guide(Boss-Hard)

This page explained in detail about Chapter 16: The details of the "Specimen H0512" bosses that appear in the Sector 0-Shinra Electric Power Company, as well as a battle guide.

This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.

Difficulty Hard: Related Links

【Hard】Easy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP
【Best Weapons】The best weapons,way to fight in Hard
【Best Armors】How best to Armors in Hard
【Best Materia】How best to Set Materia in Hard
【Best Accessories】How best to Accessories in Hard
【Best Upgrade Weapons】How best to Upgrade in Hard difficulty


Type Artificial Life
Posision Grounded
Normal Talisman
The Art of Swordplay Vol.XII(12)(Hard)
Stealable Timeworn Talisman
Status Ailments


Immunities Poison/Slow/Proportional
Absorbed Elements

Equipment and Materia

Hardedge Time Materia=Warding Materia/Healing Materia/ATB Stagger Materia/First StrikeMateria/Steadfast Block Materia
Chain Bangle HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Luck Up Materia/Luck Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
Big Bertha Time Materia=Warding Materia/Healing Materia/Lightning Materia/First StrikeMateria/Steadfast Block Materia
ForceBracelet ATB Stagger Materia/HP Up Materia/MP Up Materia/MP Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
MetalKnuckles Healing Materia=Magnify Materia/Time Materia/MP Up Materia/ATB StaggerMateria/Steadfast Block Materia
ForceBracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Magic Up Materia/Magic Up Materia
Fury Ring ---

Battle guide: How to defeat it.

Battle reference video

1st Level (HP Gauge from about 100%)


It only shaves off 20% of Specimen H0512's HP until you get to the second level, so ignore most of it and aim for the main body.

・Destroy the Left Claw.

Destroying the left claw will always put you in a Pressured state. Use Cloud's Focused Thrust to build up your Burst Gauge and attack at once.

After a certain amount of time, the Left Claw will be restored. This Left Claw destruction is recommended because it works until the third and final level.

・Strike & Scratch

Basically, this boss's attacks are slow to take a stance and activate, so it's easy to turn to the guard.

I recommend the Cloud's Guardcounter or Counterstance.


I'll catch them by hand. Switch to your friends and attack with your skills to break the restraints.

・Noxious Expulsion

It spins and scatters to deal damage plus poison.

Stay far away and attack with Barret's attack.

2nd Level (HP Gauge from about 80%)

Attack in the same way as in the first stage.


As with the first level, I recommend ignoring it and aiming at the body.

3rd Level (HP Gauge from about 40%)


Be careful not to get too close or it will self-destruct. If "Apoptosis" is displayed above your head, move away from the area to reduce the damage.

・Mako Expulsion

Evolve further from Noxious Expulsion (heavy damage + poison + slow)

The Slow can be prevented by Protective Boots.