FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)

Swordipede battle guide(Boss-Hard)

This page explained in detail about Chapter 17: The details of the "Swordipede" bosses that appear in the Sector 0-Shinra Electric Power Company, as well as a battle guide.

This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.

Difficulty Hard: Related Links

【Hard】Easy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP
【Best Weapons】The best weapons,way to fight in Hard
【Best Armors】How best to Armors in Hard
【Best Materia】How best to Set Materia in Hard
【Best Accessories】How best to Accessories in Hard
【Best Upgrade Weapons】How best to Upgrade in Hard difficulty


Type Artificial Life
Posision Flying
Normal Force Bracelet
Telluric Scriptures Vol.XII(12)(Hard)
Status Ailments



Immunities Stop
Absorbed Elements

Equipment and Materia

Cloud & Barrett, then Tifa & Aeris, in that order.

Tifa & Aeris will be the main battle ones, so organize your valuable materia here.

Hardedge Healing Materia/Revival Materia/,etc
Chain Bangle HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/MP Up Materia/MP Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
Big Bertha Healing Materia/Revival Materia/,etc
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/MP Up Materia/MP Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
Metal Knuckles Lightning Materia/Healing Materia/Time Materia/ATB Stagger Materia/FirstStrike Materia/Steadfast Block Materia
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Luck Up Materia/Luck Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
Mythril Rod Healing Materia=Magnify Materia/Lightning Materia/ATB Stagger Materia/First Strike Materia/Steadfast Block Materia
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Magic Up Materia/Magic Up Materia
Gotterdammerung ---

Battle guide: How to defeat it.

Battle reference video

In this boss fight, I equipped Aerith with anGotterdammerungto fight the enemy.

・The second stage (Tifa, Aeris) is the real deal.

The first stage can easily progress to the second stage with Barrett's gunfire.

Focus on Tifa and Aerith for materia and equipment.

1st Level (HP Gauge from about 100%)

Battle Members: Cloud, Barret

In the case of Cloud, if you attack any part of the body other than the head, you will be played, so attack mainly with Barrett's gunfire.

・Live Wire

It moves with an electric current. If it hits you, it will take a lot of damage, but it is slow and short in duration.

2nd Level (HP Gauge from about 70%)

Battle Members: Tifa, Aerith

This is where the real work begins. The pillar in the middle is often an obstacle.

I recommend attacking it with Thunder-type magic.

・Saw-Toothed Spin

It keeps spinning around the area. If you get hit, you'll take a lot of damage and you'll also need to get used to avoiding it.

I equipped Aeris with an Gotterdammerung and used the Planet's Protection at the start to prevent damage.

・Aeris attacks with a series of Thundara.

After deploying the Arcane Ward, attack at once with Sandara as soon as your ATB builds up.