Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)
Jenova Dreamweaver battle guide(Boss-Hard) |
This page explained in detail about Chapter 17: The details of the "Jenova Dreamweaver" bosses that appear in the Sector 0-Shinra Electric Power Company, as well as a battle guide.
This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.
The battle reference video is in the middle of this page. |
Difficulty Hard: Related Links |
Type |
Unreadable |
Posision |
Grounded |
Drop |
Normal |
Astral Cuff |
Way of the Fist Vol.XIV(14)(Hard) |
Rare |
Stealable |
Resistances |
Status Ailments |
Resistances |
Sleep/Magic |
Resistances |
Immunities |
Slow/Stop/Proportional Damage |
Absorbed Elements |
Battle guide: How to defeat it. |
Battle reference video
In this boss fight, I equipped Cloud with anGotterdammerungto fight the enemy.
At 1st, 2nd, and 4th levels, if you deal a certain amount of damage, you become Pressured.
The third step is discussed later in that section. |
●1st Level (HP Gauge from about 100%)
・Black Vortex
It will crawl on the ground and approach you, and when it hits you, it will Stop state.
Stop conditions can be prevented with
Protective Boots and
Time Materia=
Warding Materia.
The lasers can do a lot of damage (guardable)
Aim at the control character, so if "Vengeance" appears above your head, switch controls or guard.
●2nd Level (HP Gauge from about 80%)
・Reflect (Magic Reflect) & Shield (Physical Guard)
It alternates between Reflect and Shield states. Use the opposite attack method you invoked to deal damage.
●3rd Level (HP Gauge from about 40%)
This was the most awkward stage for me personally.
You also have time to destroy the tentacles, so you should consider it practically the same as the second step. |
・Thanatos Denied
You need to destroy all the surrounding tentacles and get into a Pressured state to penetrate them.
Once you're in Pressured, it's easier if you can use Cloud's Ascension with accessories equipped.
After a certain amount of time, the tentacles will regenerate.
●4th Level (HP Gauge from about 20%)
・Concentrate on attacking the main body of Jenova Dreamweaver.
From here, all attacks will hit you even when the tentacles around you are growing.
You'll alternate between Reflect & Shield, so attack with the opposite attack.