FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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Boss Battle Guides(Hard Difficulty)

Enigmatic Spectre battle guide(Boss-Hard)

This page explained in detail about Chapter 4 and 12: The details of the "Enigmatic Spectre" bosses that appear in the Sector 7 Slums, as well as a battle guide.

This is put together for the difficulty level hard. There may be changes in behavior and behavior with other difficulty levels.

The battle reference video is in the middle of this page.

Difficulty Hard: Related Links

【Hard】Easy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP
【Best Weapons】The best weapons,way to fight in Hard
【Best Armors】How best to Armors in Hard
【Best Materia】How best to Set Materia in Hard
【Best Accessories】How best to Accessories in Hard
【Best Upgrade Weapons】How best to Upgrade in Hard difficulty


Type Unreadable
Posision Flying
Normal Way of the Fist Vol.V(5)(Ch.4:Hard)
Status Ailments


Physical/Magic/Proportional Damage/Fixed Damage
Immunities Poison/Silence/Sleep/Slow/Stop/Berserk
Absorbed Elements

Equipment and Materia

Hardedge Fire Materia/MP Up Materia/Time Materia/Healing Materia/First Strike Materia/Steadfast Block Materia
Chain Bangle HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Luck Up Materia/Luck Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
MetalKnuckles Fire Materia=Magnify Materia/Time Materia/Healing Materia/First Strike Materia/Steadfast Block Materia
ForceBracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Magic Up Materia/Magic Up Materia
Fury Ring ---

Hardedge Fire Materia/ATB Boost Materia/Time Materia/Healing Materia/First StrikeMateria/Steadfast Block Materia
Chain Bangle HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/MP Up Materia/MP Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
Metal Knuckles Fire Materia/Time Materia/Healing Materia/MP Up Materia/Steadfast BlockMateria/ATB Stagger Materia
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Luck Up Materia/Luck Up Materia
Fury Ring ---
Mythril Rod Fire Materia=Magnify Materia/Healing Materia/Time Materia/Steadfast BlockMateria/First Strike Materia
Force Bracelet HP Up Materia/HP Up Materia/Magic Up Materia/Magic Up Materia
PlatinumEarrings ---

Battle guide: How to defeat it.

Battle reference video: Ch.4

Battle reference video: Ch.12

The difference between hard and other difficulty levels

Easy and normal Enigmatic Spectre are easy because you only have to kill Mysterious Spectre to get it to Pressured.
The difficulty hard is special and the administrator was able to easily get it to Pressured status using the following method.

1. Materiel organization, connecting Fire Materia=Magnify Materia
2. Hit multiple Mysterious Spectre with Fila.

I was able to achieve the Pressured state this way.

Probably don't defeat one as is.

Defeating it with magic or in a staggered state will probably cause the Enigmatic Spectre to go into a Pressured state.

Anyway, you can damage a lot of enemies at once or beat them in a staggerd to almost Pressured them.

If it's related to the stagger state, you might want to hit Fira twice in a row rather than letting it die once with Firaga.

Once you're in a Pressured state, use Cloud's Focused Thrust to quickly increase your stagger Gauge. Tifa's normal attack is also recommended.

Once you're in a burst state, apply a True Strike at once.

Multiply your damage and use Cloud's Triple Slash to deal damage all at once.