FF7R Strategy Guide: Walkthrough(US ver.)/FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

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【Hard】Chapter14:Enemy and boss fighting in turn and Element weakness

This page explained in detail about Chapter 14 Sewer System enemy's weaknesses that appear in turn, boss capture

We do not list enemies that encounter in places where you do not have to proceed during thestory.

It becomes overwhelmingly advantageous to attack the weapon with the weakness by Elemental Materia=Magic Attack Materia.

Please use it as a reference as it will be useful for capturing difficulty levels other than hardware.

A Must-read

We recommend that you refer to the contents here first before proceeding.

【Hard】Easy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP

I have summarized the points that the battle will be advantageous if you know it.

Reference video(youtube)

Playing time 1:48:51

Sector 5 Slums

Chapter 14 hardware consumes a lot of MP when including all quests.

Grasp the location of the Shinra Box where the Mako shard (MP small recovery) is located, and save infinitely to recover infinitely.

Infinite recovery is detailed here
【Hard】Easy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP

Make chocobo usable

First, you'll need to complete the "Chocobo Search" quest to make it easier to get around.

Other quests are discussed below.

Sector 6 Sewers

1.Aqueduct 1

Sahagin Weakness; Fire

2.Aqueduct 2

Sahagin Weakness; Fire
Blugu×2 Weakness; Lightning & Wind

3.Aqueduct 2

Scissorclaw×3 Weakness; Ice
Wererat×2 Weakness; Ice

4.Aqueduct 2

Sahagin Weakness; Fire
Scissorclaw×2 Weakness; Ice

Sector 6 Restricted Area

5.Aqueduct 3

Scissorclaw×2 Weakness; Ice
Blugu×2 Weakness; Lightning & Wind

Sector 6 Sewers

6.Settling Basin Corridor

Wererat×3 Weakness; Ice
Blugu Weakness; Ice

7.Sector 7-6-Main Aqueduct

Scissorclaw×3 Weakness; Ice

Sector 6 Restricted Area

・AfterMischiebous Shoattook the key from me.

8.Aqueduct 4

Wererat×4 Weakness; Ice

9.Aqueduct 4

Sahagin×3 Weakness; Fire

Sector 6- Old Aqueduct

10.Old Aqueduct 1

Abzu Shoat Weakness; Fire

11.Old Aqueduct 1

Blugu Weakness; Ice
Abzu Shoat×2 Weakness; Fire

12.Old Primary Treatment Control Room

Abzu Shoat×2 Weakness; Fire
Sahagin Weakness; Fire

13.Old Trunk Line

Abzu Shoat Weakness; Fire
Scissorclaw×2 Weakness; Ice

Old Trunk Line-Control Section

14.Primary Treatment Utility Access

Scissorclaw Weakness; Fire
Sahagin Weakness; Fire
Blugu×2 Weakness; Ice

15.Former Disposal Area

Mischiebous Shoat Weakness; Fire

Sector 6 Restricted Area

16.Settling Basin 2

BossAbzu Weakness; Fire

Abzu-2nd Round- battle guide(Boss-Hard)

Odd Jobs(Quests)

You can get the Manuscripts after clearing some quests on hard difficulty.

Please refer to the links for the procedure for clearing the quest and the weaknesses of the quest enemies that appear.

Quests Quest boss
Missing Children The boss exists
Chocobo Search The boss exists
Melicious Goons The boss exists
Wavering Heart None
The Power of Music None
Secret Medicine None
Tomboy Bandit None
Corneo's Secret Stash The boss exists
Subterranean Menace The boss exists