yHardzChapter17:Enemy and boss fighting in turn and Element weakness |
This page explained in detail about Chapter 17 Sector 0-Shinra Electric Power Company underground enemy's weaknesses that appear in turn, boss capture
We do not list enemies that encounter in places where you do not have to proceed during thestory.
It becomes overwhelmingly advantageous to attack the weapon with the weakness by Elemental MateriaMagic Attack Materia.
Please use it as a reference as it will be useful for capturing difficulty levels other than hardware. |
We recommend that you refer to the contents here first before proceeding.
yHardzEasy way to Defeat the enemy and infinite recovery of MP
I have summarized the points that the battle will be advantageous if you know it.
Playing time 1:11:18
66F-Hojo's Laboratory:Main Level |
1.Central Laboratory
Battle memberF Cloud
Battle members: Cloud, Barret
4.1st Ward-Training Area
Continuous combat from 4 to 6.
7.Passage D
Battle members: Tifa, Aerith
8.3rd Ward-Nursery
9.3rd Ward-Nursery
10.3rd Ward-Nursery
11.3rd Ward-Feed Storage
12.Psssage E
Battle members: Cloud, Barret
13.2nd Ward-Biological Testing
Noxious Whirl
14.2nd Ward-Robotics Testing
15.2nd Ward-Prototype Inspection
16.2nd Ward-Specimen Refinement
¨Brain Pod battle guide(Boss-Hard)
17.Passage I
Battle members: Tifa, Aerith
18.Passage G
19.Passage E
20.Passage E
21.Passage E
Battle members: Cloud, Barret
22.Passage I
23.4th Ward-Synthesis Chamber
¨Swordipede battle guide(Boss-Hard)
24.Executive Office
¨Jenova Dreamweaver battle guide(Boss-Hard)
¨Rufus battle guide(Boss-Hard)
¨The Arsenal battle guide(Boss-Hard)